While we were building our home, bartending seemed like a good idea to earn some extra money. And it was! I could go to work, bring home cash and have no worries about anything. Now that our house is built I am not so sure it is serving its purpose anymore. I am beginning to wonder if I should put all my time and effort into concentrating on my jewelry and aromatics artistry business.

I really enjoy bartending. I have met some fascinating people and have some really good stories to tell and will, but the money is not what I have expected. I get great tips, most of the time averaging over 25% but when the bar only has a handful of people it doesn’t amount to a whole lot of money.
I had my first day of bartending at the sports bar on Friday. I worked the am shift from 10 – 4. By the time I got out of there it was closer to five. Why are bartenders notoriously late for their shift? I have yet to figure out the mentality of bartenders. I digress… We were not all that busy for a Friday. Not sure if that is typical or not. I would think Friday would be a good day. I came home with just making a bit over $10 an hour. NOT ENOUGH in my opinion!
When I got to work the bar wasn’t a terrible mess but by no means was it all that clean. There was leftover fruit from drinks in the sinks. The bar was sticky and had crumbs on it. No one wiped it down. And the worse was the broken glasses in the cooler. The other bartender informed me that that was normal, part of the initiation of becoming a bartender. Seriously? I won’t stand for that crap for long. If it happens again tomorrow morning when I go in I may just have to tattle! I cannot stand that petty crap. Remember, I said I probably was not going to like working with all woman. I rest my case.
Back on the home front. I am still working on getting my studio organized so that I can back to designing and creating jewelry. I am also working on things around the home including our yard. We planted bamboo to act as a privacy wall between the road and our house. I have no window treatments and lots of big windows. We are also trying to keep the dust to a minimum. The road is gravel.

Before moving here, the last time I traveled on a gravel road was circa 1970’s in rural Wisconsin! Despite what people say, you can kill bamboo! First I killed it by over watering it. Then recently, just as it was starting to get some new shoots, the deer have chomped on it!

Not only are the deer eating my bamboo.
But they have beheaded most of my wildflowers!

Not sure what I should try to plant. Suggestions anyone?
Ta, ta ‘til later,