I have had another crazy busy week! I thought once our house was built I would have a bunch more time to focus on my jewelry business along with getting my aromatic artistry products developed. I thought wrong. It seems there is always something!
It has been a busy week of bartending. Both at the new sports bar that I started working at and at the Durham Bulls. There were two days of working at both. That just about downright killed me! I think I might be getting too old for working 12 hours on my feet! Even though I can still run circles around some of the bartenders who are half my age! On Friday night after bartending at the bulls, I had bartended earlier at the sports bar, a couple of friends and I went to have a drink as we often do. We usually get finished about the same time the game is letting out so it makes sense to grab a bite to eat and or have a drink until traffic dies down. I took my normal route home, the shortest! As I was exiting I notice a gazillion cop cars. I was thinking wow, must have been a really, really bad accident to have all those cop cars. As I got closer I didn’t notice any wrecked vehicles, ambulances or fire trucks. It never occurred to me that they were pulling one of North Carolina’s infamous “driver’s licenses checks.” Does any other state do that?
I rolled down my window as I pulled forward and stopped. Officer, “We are doing a license check, can I see your driver’s license.” Me, “sure, let me just pull it for you.” Officer, where are coming from?” Me, “the Durham Bulls game.” I think I failed to mention, I was bartending at the Durham Bulls game. I know I smelled of booze and sweat! Officer, “have you had anything to drink?” Me, “I had a glass of wine.” It never occurred to me that maybe I should have said no! Did I mention I am a horrible liar? At a very young age I learned to just tell the truth and deal with the consequences. It was easier! Officer, “will you please step out of the car.” Me, “yes sir!” Silently to myself, oh shit! Officer, “Can you see this pen”, as he pulled a ball point pen from his pocket and held it in front of my face while shining a flash light in my eyes. It was pitch black outside aside from all the lights on the cop cars and it was raining ever so slightly. Me, “I can see it.” Officer, “touch the top of the pen with your finger.” I did. Officer, “follow the pen with your eyes. Don’t move your head. Just your eyes.” I guess I must have started to move my head. For what felt like an eternity, which was more likely about 5 minutes, the officer moved the pen up, down, way to the left, in circles, up, down and around! I kept telling myself to stay focused, concentrate and follow the damn pen. Never mind the rain or the bright light shining in my eyes.
Officer, “I had to check to make sure you are safe to drive. You can get back in your car, drive safe and have a nice night.” Me, “thank you officer,” giving him the sweetest smile I could muster. Whew that was some excitement I didn’t need. The most I ever drink when I am driving is 2 drinks. Which is always wine, and usually over the course of a couple hours. It probably was a good thing that I was so tired, otherwise, I may have been a nervous wreck, cops and priests have that effect on me, and sassy. I simply was too tired to care!
Despite working bartending for a good share of the week, I did manage to escape to a small gem, bead and jewelry show. I picked up a couple little baubles for some gem elixirs I am experimenting with, and of course a couple of baubles for making my jewelry. And I did seem some rather unique wire wrapping art sculptures.

I finally have time to get my hair done. For the past couple of years I was having fun with my hair, coloring it hot pink, purple turquoise and green. But with the new bartending job, hair must be a “natural” hair color and for a change I decided to go red. Albeit, a fun funky red!

Ta, ta ’til later,