I survived my second week of real estate school. There is a ton of information that has been given to us in a very short period of time. I feel like I am already behind and have some catching up to do. It has been so long since I have taken a formal class where I have to study and actually pass an exam. Granted every year I take CPE to keep up my CPA license. But I do all of that online and it is open book! More on my real estate venture in another blog.
Today I am going to address another issue. Hot flashes. Yes I am going to go there. I am way too young to be having hot flashes or to even be talking about this! Or at least that is what my mind is saying but my body is telling me otherwise. Unfortunately, I have been having hot flashes for 9 long months. Daily, hourly and often times more! I read they could go on for another 10 years! WHAT???? I hope I’m not “blessed” with them for another 10 years!

So how do you know if you get hot flashes? Come to think of it, I asked that same question. Believe me you will know! If you have or have ever suffered from hot flashes you know they can be a nuisance, embarrassing, annoying and downright not any fun! I have literally been sitting working on my computer or doing next to nothing when all of sudden I am dripping wet. My husband thinks it is hysterical. I just say I am “having a moment.” Or if I happen to be in public and someone notices or asks “are you alright?” I nod, smile and say, “I am having my own personal summer.” That usually shuts them up!
I have done a bit of research on trying to find out what exactly causes hot flashes and more importantly how they can be controlled. From the bit of research I have done, I have come to the conclusion that I can’t really prevent them or make them go away but perhaps, the best that I can do is “control” them a bit. So I have been trying different things in an effort to control my hot flashes.

As of yet, I don’t have any conclusive results or a remedy that I have found to work perfectly. And, what may be helping me might not do a thing for you. Here is what I have found so far. Vitex berry supplements seem to be helping. I am noticing my hot flashes are a bit less frequent and a bit less severe. Vitex berry supplements are from the Chaste Tree berry (vitex angus-castusl). According to my research, Vitex berries are helpful tools for hormonal balancing in women of all ages. Vitex berry is particularly useful when too much estrogen is present in the body. It acts directly on the pituitary and harmonizes the endocrine system, helping to normalize progesterone levels. This brings compassionate and welcome relief to painful periods and PMS symptoms such as cramping, hormonal headaches, depression, breast swelling, hot flashes and night sweats. When used with care, Vitex Essential Oil calms the nerves, frees spasms, relieves pain and relaxes the liver, intestines and uterus. It is also known for its benefits as a decongestant and stimulant.

As of yet I have not done a whole lot of experimenting with just the vitex berry essential oil or with it in combination with other essential oils. Along with the vitex berry supplements I am experimenting with another concoction I made from “The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy” by Valerie Ann Worwood.

This recipe blends peppermint (menta piperita), which is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, warming, invigorating, cooling, expectorant vasoconstrictor and stimulating, cypress (cupressus sempervirens), having therapeutic properties of antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-rheumatic, stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and tonifying. Clary sage (salvia sclarea), is emmenagogue, galactagogue, neurotonic, antidogaulant, sedative and antispasmodic. Spearmint (mentha spicata), properties are anti-inflamatory, digestive stimulant, carminative antiseptic. Geranium (pelargonium graveolens) main properties of haemostatic, detoxifier, anti-allergenic, antihemorrhagic, antitoxic. And lemon (citrus limon) has properties of antiseptic, diuretic, antioxidant, antibacterial, disinfectant, mucolytic, astringent, degreaser. Those are a lot of BIG words! I have to look up many of the definitions.

All of the above oils are very common and you may already have them in your home. If not, and if you would like to start experimenting and learning more about essential oils, consider buying a wholesale membership to Young Living. More information can be found at https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/signup/new-start?sponsorid=11424767&enrollerid=11424767&type=member
I am continuing to experiment and will keep you posted!
Statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information is for educational purposes only. The products and information I have to offer are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The products and information found here are not a substitute for professional care. Always consult your medical doctor regarding your medical care. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Ta, ta ‘til later,