Garnets For Love and Sex!


Garnet is the traditional birthstone of January.  Garnets are one of the oldest known gemstones.  People have been using garnets for jewelry and decorative objects since ancient times.

The most popular color and the color most people associate garnets with is red, although they can occur in almost any color.  Often times red garnets are confused with rubies and spinel. A flawless green garnet, called a demantoid, is one of the most beautiful and expensive gems in the world.  Green garnets over 5 carats are more rare than an emerald of the same size.  Green garnets are sometimes mistaken for emeralds, while yellow garnets can be mistaken for topaz.









Most garnets today originate in East African and are of the Mozambique variety, the part of Africa from which they come.  Mozambique garnets are known for their high quality and warm red colors.  They are a mixture of pyrope and almandine giving them a darker, redder color.

Garnets are said to inspire contemplation and truthfulness.  They are known as the “protection” stone, offering its wearer the protection of their standing and possessions.  Since medieval times garnet was thought to help with depression and is perhaps one of garnet’s greatest virtues!  Garnet gems revitalizes, purifies and balances energy bringing both serenity and passion as appropriate.  They can help alleviate emotional disharmony while bringing a calming influence and protect the wearer from negative energy.

Another of garnets greatest virtues is love and sex!  Garnets have a strong aspect of sexual and sensual energies in them. The gem is said to balance one’s sex drive and move a couple deeper into a passionate, sensual sex.  Garnets are said to inspire, commitment, monogamous and stable relationship. Not yet in a relationship?  Garnets can aid you in finding your true love!

Until next time,

