
Last week it was pouring down rain.  This week the sun is shining brightly and pushing towards 90 degrees, my kind of day!  The perfectness of the day almost makes one forget about COVID-19 and all the unrest going on.  ALMOST!! I try to keep reminding myself that this too shall pass.

Last week I told you a bit about azurite and it’s properties.  I had mentioned that it is closely related to malachite in that they are produced by the weathering of copper ore deposits.  Both are copper idiochromatic carbonate mineral, meaning they receive their color from copper.  The green of malachite also shares many properties with turquoise, a form of copper tarnish similar to that found on the green copper of the Statue of Liberty!

Over 4000 years ago, malachite was first found and mined in Egypt and Israel.  Malachite from here was mined and used to produce copper.  Malachite in these deposits was also used to produce gemstones, sculptures and pigments.  Several large deposits of malachite was found in the Ural Mountains of Russia.  These deposits supplied abundant material during the 1800s.  Today very little is produced from these sources.  Most of the malachite produced today is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Smaller deposits are also produced in Australia, France and Arizona.

All malachite is green.  The color can range from pastel green, to bright green to a very dark almost black looking green.  The swirling patterns found in malachite are luxuriant and has come to represent sensuality and beauty.  Looking at malachite’s swirls, rings and intricate patterns is mesmerizing and uplifting!

Malachite is the essence of joy and is known as the “stone of transformation.”  It is helpful in bringing ease during times of change and can help one with needed insight for personal growth.  It is said to help a person get through tough transitional periods.  This empowering stone is perfect to wear when starting a new project, job or moving to a new place.  Who knows it could even possibly help us get through COVID-19!

from MAE artisan jewelry

Traditionally, malachite has been used to ward off danger and fight illness.  It is said to protect one from falling.  Malachite tends to draw negative energy and disharmony into itself.  Overall, malachite is said to bring harmony into one’s life!

Malachite is fragile and can be easily scratched.  Take care to keep malachite away from other metals and gemstones that could scratch it.  Clean it with water and leave to air dry.  You may also want to remove any malachite jewelry when doing heavy work!

Until next time, stay safe, stay well!