“Keep Calm and Put Your Jewelry On” – unknown

I have been struggling with writing this week’s blog.  On the one hand I am so trying to “carry on” as I normally would.  Since my studio is a separate building at my residence I have no need to go anywhere other than to make a weekly (at least) trip to the grocery store.  Now between all the closures and the mandate to stay home I haven’t even been going out other than “necessary.”  I have been trying to buy as much as I can online but even that is becoming difficult.  Amazon is out of so many things that I normally buy and is ceasing to ship non-essential items.  I wanted to buy some isopropyl alcohol to use with my alcohol inks and found it UNAVAILABLE!

Since I do normally spend most of my time working at home from my studio, not a whole lot of I how I usually spend my days has changed.  However, it has been difficult for me to stay focused with constant news feeds, emails and social media of the latest coronavirus developments.  I want and need to stay informed, but it has also been a challenge not to become obsessed reading every single thing!

Here is what I am focusing on or at least the best that I can during these chaotic and uncertain times.  I am using this time to “beef up” my jewelry inventory and update my online shopping sites.  I am experimenting with new materials in an effort to create even more affordable lines of jewelry alongside my regular lines of metals and gemstones.


Some of the materials that I have been experimenting with include, faux leathers samples, Formica samples, wood scrap and wood veneer samples.  All of which I am recycling.  I am also experimenting with acrylics and leathers many too of which are samples that I am recycling!

Formica samples

wood veneer samples

faux leather leather samples

Thus the reason I was trying to obtain more isopropyl alcohol a “main ingredient” when painting with alcohol inks!  I was able to get some more inks before Amazon started “prioritizing” what products it was shipping.









I am keeping my MAE jewelry brand selling it in my Etsy shop.  My Etsy shop will primarily have “experimental” and recycled (above mentioned) materials jewelry that will retail for $20 and under.  The MAE line will also be sold during Hillsborough Last Fridays and various Arts and crafts festivals.  It can all be found at www.MAEartisanjewelry.com.

www.CKSventures.com will carry CKS jewelry lines of primarily metals and gemstones and pieces that retail over $20.  Both MAE and CKS jewelry are also available for wholesale purchases.  Please contact me or fill out the inquiry form for more information.  It is in the works to open by studio for special events and possibly a few set hours each week.  Unfortunately, with all the chaos and uncertainty caused by the coronavirus my studio Grand Opening originally scheduled for the end of the month has been put on hold.

The coronavirus is taking its toll on everyone in the entire world.  For artists it is especially difficult as their income from selling their art is their livelihood and for many their only source of income.  Lucky for me I have a husband who also works so I am not entirely dependent on my income from my jewelry business.  Not only are the arts hurting, but so are small independent businesses in the restaurant, bar and retail industries.

I am also using this “down” time for me.  I’m taking walks with my hubby and getting back to walking every day.  I am playing with and loving on Georgio, my kitty cat.  I am reading more (or at least trying to set aside some time to do so), and of course I am experimenting in my studio, practicing and becoming reacquainted with designing and crafting jewelry again.  I’m doing what I love to do!  I am hoping to bring Luna (kitty that I adopted over a week ago) home this week.  The Animal Shelter has been holding her hostage until she gets spayed.  Now that they too have closed to the public I can’t even visit her on a daily basis anymore!  I may eventually become a bit stir crazy knowing I shouldn’t leave the house but for now I have plenty to keep me busy!

Stay safe everyone by following guidelines of washing your hands, distancing yourself socially and other recommendations.  Please, do what you can to support your community, arts and small businesses.  This too shall pass.

Until next time,

